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WINNS Workplace Webinar - The Perfect Solution For Office Managers

Written by 07heaven | Nov 20, 2020 12:30:00 PM

Calling all Office Managers… have you had numerous headaches caused by trying to create a safe, COVID-19 free environment for your office since the Coronavirus outbreak? If so, you need to consider the WINNS Workplace Solution, a fully integrated, cross sector turnkey solution. It solves the problem of managing the return of your workforce to a safe workplace in an assured way.

If you are not aware of what the WINNS Workplace Solution is, do not worry, we have you covered. Our Marketing and Sales Director, Alan Davies, is hosting a Zoom conference to explain exactly what WINNS Workplace is and why it will benefit you as an Office Manager. This webinar is open to anyone interested in finding out more and will be on November 26th 2020.


What is WINNS Workplace?

WINNS Workplace is a fully integrated, cross sector turnkey solution. It solves the problem of managing the return of your workforce to a safe workplace in an assured way, with a combination of:

  • Highly effective Covid-19 testing.
  • Award-winning technology solutions.
  • Robust and resilient hardware and infrastructure.

WINNS Workplace provides offices with an appropriate and proportionate plan to safely return staff to the workplace. It also offers robust assurance of risk mitigation policies including:

  • Assessment of the requirement using a bespoke risk matrix
  • Highly effective Covid-19 testing for health screening
  • A digital health passport system to manage the testing programme
  • An award-winning incident management and control room solution to manage access and incidents
  • A communications platform to provide messaging to the workforce, building trust and confidence
  • Hardware and infrastructure in support of any mitigation requirements



How WINNS Workplace works?

WINNS Workplace works through providing organisations with a 6-phase solution. Within the solution, the individual products are outstanding, but they can all be added or removed from the solution depending on what an organisation already has in place, however, together they give a fully integrated solution. This includes:


Phase 1 - Evaluate

The initial Evaluation Phase can be carried out by our certified H&S and Occupational Health specialists or by your internal team. This phase will highlight your site / business requirements and dictate the technology and testing solutions that will be required to get your workforce back into the work environment quickly, safely, and confidently.

On completion of this process, a detailed report will be produced to highlight the appropriate actions required and the plan will be agreed by you before we proceed to the Delivery Phase.


Phase 2 - Delivery

The Delivery Phase can be carried out by our specialist team or your own internal team, depending on the actions set out in the Evaluation Phase. All actions agreed during the Evaluation Phase will be delivered according to timelines agreed.


Phase 3 - Communication

Through our award-winning solution, you can easily communicate the whole Delivery Phase to your workforce. Internal teams and/or sub-contractors can be updated and trained through the easy-to-use platform that can be branded to your business requirements.

When it comes to testing, efficient communication is vital to instil confidence and ensure that the workforce is in place at the right time and knows what is expected. The communications application is a key benefit in our solution and can support many additional uses.


Phase 4 - Testing

Our Health Passport is test agnostic and therefore can be used alongside any agreed testing solution. Our global testing specialists offer a wide range of testing options to suit your requirements.

Testing is not restricted to COVID-19, so additional tests, such as drugs and alcohol will be able to be implemented.


Phase 5 – Health Passport

The Health Passport is developed on the revolutionary VCode® and VPlatform technology. A passport holder can present their assigned VCode® content using their smartphone, fob or lanyard printout, which can be scanned outside the two-metre safe distancing zone.

A high level, GDPR compliant screen can confirm and authenticate the holder’s current health status to members of the public via a visualised traffic light system (Green, Amber, Red with Blue for a ‘Pending’ result).

Using platform permissions, the passport can also present extended information to verified health care officials.

VCode® can also be integrated into your site entry system to allow or deny access depending on the holder’s passport status.

The VCode® and VPlatform® technology is currently used under contract to the United Nations as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Collaboratory program, which aims to provide a wide range of technology services to nine billion people by 2030.



Phase 6 - Control

The Control Solution is integrated with the V-Health Passport to control access and provide a secure working environment for the workforce on site. It provides a centralised dashboard that gives an immediate overview of both incidents and assets with a full audit trail of when people logged onto the system and when they entered the site along with their real-time location when on site. This is done through GPS/Geo-Fencing and gives instant tracking of staff and incidents in either a fixed or fluid location.

The above is just a small part of the functionality and benefits that this application can provide. As part of the Workplace Solution, it creates another layer of safety and control for your workforce.


Why a solution like WINNS Workplace will benefit an Office Manager and their office?

Below are some benefits that a solution like WINNS workplace can have on a business within any sector. As an office manager, WINNS Workplace can make your life easier in creating a safe workplace for your workforce:

  • You know that all your office risk mitigation requirements are identified to help you produce a complete COVID-19 prevention plan.
  • You have your risk mitigation requirements delivered by a professional organisation that works within the time frame you have agreed.
  • You can communicate the delivery phase to your workforce keeping them informed.
  • You can utilise state-of-the-art technology in the health passport to allow your workforce safe movement around your premises.
  • If the worst were to happen, you have all the necessary requirements in place to control an outbreak.
  • You can be confident and instil confidence in your staff by providing a full turnkey solution, including evaluation, testing, tracking and control.
  • You can ensure that hotspots around your business are regularly sanitised to control the virus.
  • You can control the access to your site to ensure that the chances of COVID-19 spreading are minimised.
  • If there is an outbreak due to human error, you can be confident that your organisation can remain open as you have put in place a high-quality risk mitigation solution that is at the cutting edge of technology.


How to sign up for the WINNS Workplace webinar

As mentioned, the WINNS Workplace is taking place on November 26th 2020 and is open to any Office Manager interested in finding out more information about how to create a safe workplace for your workforce.

To secure a spot simply message and a member of our team will send your additional information.