News – WINNS Services

Why Use Chemical-Free Cleaning Products?

Written by WINNS Services | Apr 29, 2022 1:29:30 PM

Why Use Chemical-Free Cleaning Products?

Chemical Free is another way of cleaning, helping the environment, and protecting your health, especially if you're sensitive to allergens or have vulnerable staff.

With only a handful of necessary products, it doesn't hurt to give Chemical-Free cleaning products a try, even if you're not completely convinced. The value that you get from a handful of safe products versus a cabinet of chemical-laden ones is incredible, you won't look back.

WINNS Services thinks it is. 


When using commercial cleaners, you tend to have two basic smell options

  • Overpowering Chemical Smell
  • Overpowering Artificial fruit or Floral Smell to Cover Chemical Smells

While we sometimes like artificial scents to make the workplace smell nice, they're rarely the ones that are associated with common cleaners. Those are strong and abrasive. They have to be to mask the chemical scents.

Many people are allergic to perfumes and must avoid the fake scents put over the chemicals. Then they're subject to the strong chemical smells instead, which are no better. 

With Chemical-Free, smells are mild, minimal, and tolerable.


Knowing your Ingredients

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on the back of a chemical container and recognised maybe half of the words used?

You're much more likely to know what you're working with when using Chemical-Free cleaning products. This means you can avoid unwanted ingredients and feel safe spreading these liquids or sprays on your desks, meeting rooms and floors. 


All those chemical cleansers can be hard on the environment. Chemical Free, making them a much more environmentally friendly choice for Clients.

On the other hand, standard cleansers can contain ingredients that are harmful if disposed of outside, and ingredients that are non-renewable. This means that they're not improving things for your world and the future. 

Protect Your Health

While protecting the more vulnerable members of staff, switching to Chemical-Free cleaning will also help protect you as an individual.

Chemical cleaners can be harsh on the body. Some of them even suggest wearing rubber gloves for use, or to avoid inhaling! 

While these problems dissipate after the cleaners are used, it's best to avoid the problem in the first place. You may find that problems that you've been dealing with inside the office, that you've been attributing to allergies, mysteriously fade away.

Safer for Everyday Use

What about the daily exposure to little things? A tiny bit of glass cleaner here and there every day? A quick wipe of your desk after lunch every day?

Repeat exposure can potentially up your risk of harm even for relatively harmless chemicals. By switching to Chemical-Free, you help avoid that risk entirely. 

Avoid Making Superbugs

Sounds scary, right?

Through overuse, we are giving strains of bacteria resistance against our antibacterial and antibiotics.

By avoiding these ingredients when you don't objectively need them, you're protecting yourself and avoiding the creation of super bacteria. Using Chemical-Free cleaners for your office, you could be saving yourself a future illness.

Further Information

If you're interested in learning more, please contact Chris Stebbing ( We have two products to choose from and more information on why Chemical-Free cleaning might be the best thing for you.

  • SAO (Stabilised Aqueous Ozone) No Chemicals
  • NTRL Cleaning Products use only bacteria