News – WINNS Services

5 Ways To Encourage Children To Use A Washroom Safely And Hygienically

Written by WINNS Services | Aug 30, 2018 9:58:00 AM

We have previously discussed hand washing, both how often you should do it and why. The same rules apply to children. Hand washing is VITAL in your quest for a safe environment, perhaps even more important for children as most will have a lower immune system than adults. The spread of some of the deadliest diseases can be found in schools, nurseries and areas dedicated to children, therefore implementing our recommendations of ways to encourage children to use a washroom safely and hygienically is crucial.

1. Provide easy-to-use hand washing facilities

The first part of encouraging children to wash their hands is to create facilities which are easy-to-use. For example, if a child cannot reach the basin, or if the bar of soap is too big they will be discouraged and most likely not clean themselves properly. Ways of getting around this are building the area with the child in mind, and purchasing hygiene products suitable for them to use.

2. Teach them why hand washing is so important

A child is more likely to remember to clean their hands if they are told WHY they need to do it. However, children learn better through physically seeing, touching or hearing. Germs are invisible to the naked eye, therefore you must implement the ‘why you should wash your hands’ talk into everything you do. E.g. before eating, after eating, after using the toilet, after they have been outside etc.

Explaining what germs are could also contribute to a child actually using soap and water when necessary, here are some good ways of explaining them:

  • - Germs are everywhere, even though they can’t see them
  • - Germs cause illness if they get inside a person’s body, for example through the nose or mouth
  • - There are different types of germs (e.g. viruses and bacteria) causing different types of illnesses
  • - Using soap and water is the only way to wash away germs

3. Be a role model

If you are not seen washing your hands, a child will never learn. Most of their learning comes from mimicking, therefore them seeing you do it will make them want to copy. However, make sure you are not showing them incorrectly. Make sure to really scrub at the hands, a simple splash of water does nothing. Establishing hand washing into your daily routine will soon mean they will adopt it too.

4. Encourage them to wash their hands properly, not just a quick rinse

Similar to above, teaching the correct way of cleaning the hands is essential in order for all your hard work to actually benefit the child. There are 3 simple ways of encouraging effective washing:

- Supervise them
- Highlight what they did right, encourage when they do something wrong
- Reward when your child has properly washed their hands

Do not pressurise them and presume they will understand straight away. Be patient and guide them, if they are not doing it properly because of bad facilities make sure to highlight this to the appropriate member of staff as poor equipment will make it hard for them. The whole point of teaching them how to wash their hands is to create a sanitary environment, without the correct apparatus, a clean space is impossible.

5. Make the process of hand washing fun

And finally, remember to make it fun! They are kids, after all, something which is enjoyable is more likely to stick.

Here at WINNS Services, we provide several different cleaning services for companies based on your time and budget. We have been established for over two decades and have gained a great deal of knowledge and experience from this. Our staff are all carefully hand-picked by us to suit your company's needs.

For more information about WINNS cleaning services or to book our cleaning services please contact us on 01702 719100 or or email us at