News – WINNS Services

Does My Business Need Cleaning Services?

Written by 07heaven | Jan 23, 2018 1:54:33 PM

Does My Business Need Cleaning Services?


How safe is your business? Do you have it regularly cleaned? Because if you don’t you could be putting your employees at risk.

There are different ways cleaning can be great for your offices and it is also a service that can be provided as often or as little as you need it to be. Having your offices cleaned may stop potentially bad situations from occurring. 

What type of cleaning service suits you?

If you have a business where, like most businesses, there are people walking in and out all day everyday you may want a daily clean. You could also look at periodic cleans for small work places. If you are looking for one very thorough clean, as well as, or on its own, you will need a deep cleaning service.

Reason you should have a cleaning service?

There are many reasons you should have a regular cleaning service for your business. The first one would simply be for good hygiene. Your employees are in the building nearly every day which will cause bins to fill up, crumbs on counter tops, dirty carpets and bacteria building on everyday items. It is likely that you also show new clients into the building bringing in more bacteria.

Why you should act on these reasons

This may be to stop the spreading of germs, for example when one employee has a cold then the whole office may end up with it. To help stop this from happening a daily clean would prevent these germs from multiplying and spreading. 

A clean business will also create a great first impression. No one is looking for service from someone who has an overflowing bin, coffee mug rings on the desk and crumbs clogging up their keyboard. This makes you look like you aren’t organized and if you can’t organise yourself, why would the client think you are reliable?

Also this could cause bigger problems such as attracting pests. If your office has food left in bins overnight or crumbs and food left out on the counter this may cause pests. This will then need to be addressed by experts, adding to your expenses.

Who's at risk?

By not employing cleaning services this can affect you, your employees and your clients. This can lead to more illnesses in the office and not being able to get rid of them. Your clients may lose trust in you and may also become sick. Not a great impression to leave them with.

Are you following the law?

If your employees feel that they are getting sick from being at work this may cause problems for you. As an employer you have the responsibility to provide a safe working space for all employees, according to This will fall under health and safety laws for your industry.

WINNS services can provide you with the right cleaning service for your business. We have 25 years of experience in this industry and many happy clients. We hand select our staff, who are highly trained. Our company prides themselves on exceeding your expectation.

For more information about our cleaning services or to book with us then please contact us 01702 719100.