News – WINNS Services

Futuristic Cleaning

Written by 07heaven | Feb 14, 2018 2:16:06 PM

Futuristic Cleaning


What will the future of cleaning look like with all the advancements in technology? Will humans still be doing the cleaning or will we have robots doing this for us?

We already have a great amount of technology helping us with everyday tasks and doing human jobs. But how will this impact the cleaning industry? Does the future of cleaning look bright and sparkling, or bleak and dull?

The idea of futuristic cleaning summons up the film I, Robot where the robots can help around the house by cooking, cleaning and doing a variety of household tasks. Whilst it seems we are nowhere near this level of artificial intelligence there are already some products on the market the are getting there.

The first of this is the robot hoover. Yes, you heard me right, there is already a robot hoover and you can buy it today. However it not exactly what you may be thinking. This hoover is small, flat and round, there is no human resemblance at all. 

These hoovers can be put on a timer to do their rounds at a set time everyday, even whilst you're at work, then it goes back to its charger once its done. As it is so flat it can even clean under furniture such as beds and chairs. It also has a brush along the edge that cleans the bottom of the wall as it goes. 

So it may not be human but it’s definitely a time saver. However other than the robot hoover we really haven’t seen any other advancements in this area. From the way the movement on the cleaning front is going we are going green and becoming greener as we go.

This includes using sustainable products, recyclable packaging and creating minimal negative impact on our planet as possible. We can’t argue this is probably a good place to start. We can wait for cleaning robots. 

Overall it seems that the cleaning industry's future is looking green rather than robotic. Which is probably just as well as we all know how every robot film of this type ends. If you've never seen one of the robots taking over, maybe we're best to wait it out until technology really does have this area sorted.

WINNS services provides a wide variety of consumable products that are eco-friendly and biodegradable. We can help bring your company in to the future through environmentally friendly products. Our company has been established for over two decades and continue to supply companies with everything they need. To find out more or to place your order for consumables products please contact us on 01702 719100.