News – WINNS Services

What to consider when returning to work after the festive break

Written by 07heaven | Jan 6, 2021 1:00:00 PM

Unfortunately, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we have been forced to change normal as we know it and begin to consider things that did not necessarily need considering before. This is incredibly accurate in the case of returning to work after the festive break.

If like many, you broke up for the festive period, allowing your employees a well-earned rest (we certainly need one after the year we have had), it is important to consider what actions you need to take to ensure that your offices are safe and clean for the new year. Unfortunately, the normal routine of locking the doors and turning on the alarm is no longer sufficient.

So, what should you be considering as the new normal when returning to work after the festive break?


5 essentials to consider when returning to work after the festive break

Check out the 5 essentials below that you should be considering for your workplace when returning to work after the Christmas break:

  1. Office Deep Clean
  2. Carpet Cleaning
  3. Window Cleaning
  4. IT Equipment Clean
  5. Install Coronavirus Preventative measures



1) An office deep clean

A deep clean is a thorough, complete clean of your office workspace. It differs from your regular cleaning schedule and is often used as well as, or as a replacement for one of your planned days of cleaning. It is perfect for completely cleaning, sanitising, and disinfecting your space killing any harmful microorganisms that are lurking on surfaces and even in the air.

Deep cleaning techniques include a combination of cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitisation. Check out Clorox’ definition for each:

  • Cleaning removes dust, debris, and dirt from a surface by scrubbing, washing, and rinsing.
  • Sanitising reduces the bacteria identified on the product’s label on surfaces and materials.
  • Disinfecting destroys or inactivates both the bacteria and viruses identified on the product’s label (like Coronavirus) on hard surfaces.

By performing a deep clean over the festive break, you ensure that your workspace is ready for your employees when they return. It also ensures that you are taking steps to kill the Coronavirus and any harmful microorganisms that may be in the vicinity.

Benefits of a deep clean:
  • Ensure that your workspace is disinfected and sanitised to a professional cleaning standard.
  • Gain peace of mind that you have created a safe and secure workplace for your employees.
  • Create a safe that allows your employees to work to their fullest potential giving you a boost to productivity in the new year.



2) Carpet cleaning

Carpet cleaning, certainly not a standard thought as you are a finishing work for the year and heading into the Christmas season. Unfortunately, the outbreak of the Coronavirus has increased the need for cleaning across all our workspaces.

A professional carpet clean uses a hot water extraction machine with pressurised water and cleaning solution for the ultimate deep clean across your carpets. It removes stains, marks, allergens, and harmful microorganisms that may be festering in the carpet.

By cleaning your carpet you are ensuring that all parts of the workspace are safe from COVID-19 as well as sending a message to your employees that you want to create a pleasant and safe environment for them to work in.

Benefits of carpet cleaning:
  • Ensure that your carpet is free of stains, marks, allergens, and harmful microorganisms.
  • Display to your employees that you are looking to create the best workspace possible in these difficult times.
  • Create a workspace that encourages your employees to work to their fullest potential giving you a boost to productivity in the new year.



3) Professional window cleaning

Window cleaning is vital to for any business to be successful and often, a business will have a window cleaning schedule throughout the year. However, during these scary times we recommend thinking about using your festive break to clean and sanitise windows throughout your office.

Although some windows may be included in your deep clean, hiring a professional window cleaning service ensures that you can thoroughly clean all windows on your premises, eve the hard-to-reach areas. When working out what windows should be cleaned it is important o consider the high-traffic areas of workspace, as well as the clearly visible windows around the building as well. Some important areas to consider include: 

  • Glass doors to enter a building
  • A reception
  • A breakout area
  • A canteen

As the Coronavirus can remain on surfaces and infect people through touch, cleaning window surfaces minimises the chance of the virus spreading.  Any easily accessible windows at hand height need additional attention. By utilising a professional window cleaning professional, you can ask for antibacterial cleaning to be performed as part of the service.

Benefits of professional window cleaning:
  • Kill any harmful microorganisms on the surfaces of the window stopping the spread of the Coronavirus.
  • Improve the look of your office space presenting a clean and safe environment to both employees and visitors.
  • Increase the life span and reduce the chance of damage to your windows.



4) An IT equipment clean

IT equipment is fundamental for many businesses to operate. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to effectively clean without running the risk of breaking or damaging the equipment. Even though it is difficult, if ultimately needs to be cleaned just like any other surface in your office. Just like other hard surfaces, Coronavirus can linger and spread to anyone who touches it.

Luckily, with the advancement of technology a cleaning method known as Electrostatic Sanitisation allows you to effectively clean your IT equipment, as well as the rest of your office space. Electrostatic Sanitisation through an encompassing spray effect that covers all surfaces and touch points and eliminates all viruses, including COVID-19.

If you do not know what it is, why not check out our blog. 

Benefits of IT equipment cleaning:
  • Kill any harmful microorganisms that may be lurking on the surfaces of the IT equipment.
  • Use a method that is fast and easy whilst not damaging any machines.
  • Minimise the threat of the COVID-19 virus spreading throughout your offices.



5) Installing Coronavirus preventative measures

Although we have been fighting the spread of the COVID-19 virus almost all of 2020, some employers have not yet installed preventative measures in their office space to minimise the chance of the virus spreading. There are many simple, cost-effective solutions that can be installed into your space to educate, protect, and kill the virus. Some examples are included below:

  • Placing one-way stickers on the floor to minimise traffic in busy areas.
  • Inserting plastic screens to separate reception staff and visitors.
  • Creating hand sanitisation stations around the building.
  • Placing education posters surrounding Coronavirus best practices – this includes how to wash your hand posters.
Benefits of installing Coronavirus preventative measures
  • Create a safe workplace for your employees.
  • Educate and arm your employees and visitors with the right knowledge to minimise the threat of spreading the virus.
  • Benefit from higher productivity by creating a workplace that your employees feel comfortable visiting each day.


Returning to work after the festive break…

We hope that you had an amazing festive break and enjoyed your well-earned rest! If you have not done so already, it may be worth considering implementing our five essential steps for when you return to the office after the festive break.

By preparing your premises you are giving your employees the best chance of working effectively and not catching the virus!