News – WINNS Services

Why You Shouldn't Eat At Your Desk?

Written by 07heaven | Dec 21, 2017 11:38:15 AM

Why Shouldn't you Eat at your Desk?

If you own an office then you probably have it regularly cleaned. If not then keep reading as this will make you stop and think.

You may take for granted that your offices desks are clean and tidy. Or have become complacent about you clean computer screen, emptied bins and hoovered floors. But what would happen if you didn't have the office cleaned for an entire year?

The bacteria build up on items such as a keyboard or mouse would not only be disgusting but a danger to your health! Your keyboard alone has 3,543,00 bacteria per sq inch. This is a shocking 20,598 times more bacteria than a toilet seat which has about 172 bacteria per sq inch. This can cause food poisoning and make your immune system low.

If that doesn't make you stare in disbelief at the items on your desk then the second most touched item on your desk, your mouse, also has a surprising amount of bacteria per sq inch. In fact it has 1,370,068 according to the source TheSun, which is 45, 670 times more than a toilet handle which comes in at 30 bacteria per sq inch.

Why do these item have so many bacteria per sq inch? We sit at our desk five days a week touching these items. But I wash my hands I hear you say! But have you wash them since opening the office door to get in? This is where the "washing your hands is enough" myth unravels because you have to trust that everyone else is doing it too.

You have to remember you may not be the only one using your desk, keyboard and mouse and this opens doors to illness harbouring and spreading from one person to another. This is especially true as most of us sit and eat at our desks.

This only takes one person to be ill or not wash their hands and touch something everyone else touches such as the office door handle or kettle.

All in all, a daily clean seems like an ideal cleaning service for your offices as it would appear that it would need it. This would include cleaners coming into the office either before or after everyone is working to clean your desks, objects on the desk, toilets, hoovering and emptying the bins.

WINNS provides a daily cleaning service with highly trained staff who are handpicked by us specifically for your company's offices. To find out more take a look at our blog What is daily cleaning’. We listen carefully to your needs and aim to go above and beyond for our clients.

For more information about WINNS daily cleaning service or to book our services please contact us on 01702 719100.