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WINNS Services

Any electrical appliance will use a lot of energy, your dishwasher is not immune from this. Although recent developments have meant they are using a lot less electricity than before, they will still require a measure of energy in order to effectively clean dishes. Your office dishwasher will require loading and unloading, with this task usually falling to the professional cleaner. It is essential you implement some best practices to ensure you are getting the most out of their contracted hours, are producing clean dishes and are being eco-friendly. With you in mind, we have collated some of our favourite tips to keep your financial office dishwasher eco-friendly and efficient.
You may have implemented a range of techniques and services to improve your building indoors, but are you maintaining the outside? With the outside being as important as the inside, you need to ensure you have a professional undertaking your outdoor maintenance.
Your property’s electrical safety should be addressed regularly to ensure staff, visitors and the property itself is safe. Due to the current generation mainly using electrical items, the probability of being injured is high. Many minor injuries can occur from electrical items, but fatal injuries can also occur. Therefore, it is essential you are adopting all electrical safety best practices to prevent any injury and/or damage. As a financial business, you should be doing everything you can to keep the workplace safe, as well as educating staff on how to keep the office safe. Keep reading to find out our top tips!
Your financial building is particularly prone to spreading colds and flu. Regardless of whether you’re a London office or an office in the South-East, any office anywhere is at risk. With nearly all employees and visitors using public transport as well as being a shared space, it means the probability of catching a sniffle, sneeze and cough is highly likely. In some cases, a cold can be minor, but for others, it could lead to a life-threatening situation. Because of this threat, it is essential you have developed a thorough cleaning schedule which will keep your staff and visitors safe.
Go back a few years and the only way to get in and out of the office was through physical keys. This often meant waiting around in some questionable weather conditions until the manager came with a key, then the managers had to wait until everyone had left the office before locking the doors. A high level of responsibility was left to managers to ensure the building was kept safe… introducing the development of access control systems- the office’s holy grail. These systems not only benefit the employees and managers but also the property itself, they provide another security protection layer in order to keep everyone and everything safe.
Pests and rodents have the ability to damage property and impact health, therefore you should be highly aware of pest contamination. It is essential you ensure your property is preventing contamination at all costs, it is particularly the food aspects of your building that are at most risk, for example, your canteen, kitchen and communal eating areas. If you do not comply you could be sued, lose staff or even have to close your business! Keep reading to find out how to prevent pests from contaminating your financial office’s canteen.
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