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Pest Control, Keep rat free & Disease Free

February 6, 2018 by 07heaven

Pest Control, Keep Rat Free & Disease Free


The last thing you want to have to think about when you go to work is that you may catch a disease from a rat.


However many companies accidently attract these pests, and once they're in they're a pain to get out. This problem then requires calling in the professionals. A pest control service gets rid of these furry intruders. 

Unfortunately rats aren’t just a problem to get rid of. They can also bring your employees in to contact with diseases. This then violates the health and safety that your employees have the right to. What diseases have been spread and can be spread are listed below. 


A bacterial disease contacted by coming into contact with infected water. For example when swimming or drinking contaminated water. You are more likely to get this disease by working outdoors or working with animals.

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

It is a viral disease, directly transmitted, that spread by either coming into contact or inhaling dust that is contaminated with rat urine or droppings or even a rat bite. Make sure all surfaces are regularly wiped down and cleared.


This can be directly transmitted by consuming food or water that is contaminated by rat faeces. It is a bacteria that causes this disease. Always keep your food in a cupboard or the fridge so it is out the way if pests do get in.

Rat-Bite Fever

You can contract rat-bite fever through a bite, scratch or contact by a dead rat. This can only be transmitted through direct contact with the pest. Probably the least likely of the disease caused by rats. However, if you see one inside your company don’t try and pick it up to put outside. Call the professionals.  


The disease rats are most infamous for. This is passed on by fleas when they take blood from a human. Well known forever in history as one of the worst diseases for mankind, wiping out huge amounts of people.

Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

An indirectly transmitted disease that is a parasite transmitted to a person. The culprit is the sand-fly that has fed on a wild rat. There isn’t a lot you can do for this one unfortunately but just be vigilant. 

To avoid this being a problem to start with you can do a few simple things. Start by making sure there are no easy entrances for them to get inside. Then make sure rubbish isn’t left outside the premises as this could attract them to outside your business.

This is when it could cause bigger problems by tempting them in. Inside your company it is important that bins are cleared out regularly with no food inside. Also ensure all worktops are cleared of crumbs and food everyday. Make sure any food is in the cupboard or fridge.

WINNS services offers their pest control services to any companies that are in need of it. We have been established for over two decades and pride ourselves on exceeding expectations. For more information about our services or to book them please contact us on 01702 719100.

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