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Did you know the chances of contracting food poisoning increases during the summer months? The answer is simple, the heat! Bacteria and germs love warm temperatures and will multiply at a quicker rate when in a warm environment. Do not let your employees be affected by the summer bug by adopting our techniques to avoid food poisoning in your office and canteen.
Did you know money has been found to contain multiple deadly germs? Regardless of whether it is notes, coins or bank cards, all have the ability to severely affect someone's health. Although the popularity of cards is rising, the threat of contaminated money is still very high. There are a variety of jobs where physically handling cash is required, however, it is banks that are perhaps the most at risk. The best way to contain the spread of harmful bacteria is to regularly wash or sanitise your hands. The main way for germs to transfer is through touch, therefore the importance of properly cleaning your hands is essential. Once money has been touched, the same hands will often touch other surfaces before reaching for hand soap and warm water. It is vital that banks implement an intense and regular cleaning schedule to stop dangerous diseases from spreading further than necessary. Pay particular attention to surfaces where hands would be used before washing hands e.g. door handles, keyboard, mouse, tap handles, soap dispenser pump, hand dryer button etc.
Your communal areas will need particular focus within your cleaning schedule as those are often the places which harbour the most harmful bacterias and are also one of the main contributors to brand identity. With both of those being very important parts of your business, it is essential you take the time to properly clean your communal areas.
We all know having clean windows looks great and reflects well on your brand identity, but did you know they can also contribute to health? The health of your employees and visitors should be a top priority in your buildings’ maintenance schedule, therefore clean windows are a MUST as their abilities stem much further than a smudge-free surface. In this blog post, we discuss reasons as to why you should add window cleaning to your list of necessities.
To get everyone in the mood for this evening’s semi-final between England and Croatia, Ryan Stillwell at WINNS devised a quiz for everyone in the office. Thankfully for some of us, it was a multiple choice quiz, especially when we were denied access to our computers and phones for those tempted to seek assistance. As sharing is caring, Ryan has posted the quiz (with answers) for others to share, but not the crate of Budweiser and chocolate prize!
WINNS Services started the World Cup with the customary sweepstake. After much deliberation and jostling, everyone had their teams. Sonya, from our accounts team, drew England hopefully, she will win the pot! Last night’s game between France and Belgium meant that all male employees were out of the running leaving Suzanne with Croatia, Keri with France and Sonya, hopefully, holding the winning card. Sorry, Suzanne, we’re hoping you're out of the running tonight, followed by Keri on Sunday!
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